Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Developmental trajectories of aggression in children studied

A new study from the University of Montreal, cited in EurekAlert, examined the development of aggressive behaviours in children.  The full study, published recently in JAMA Open Network, can be found at the bottom of the news release if you are interested.

Cannabis youth prevention strategy should target well being!

A study from the University of Waterloo, cited in EurekAlert, looked at a large population of high school students from Ontario and British Columbia and their use of cannabis.  The authors looked at sex differences in use, and in overall mental health.  They concluded that prevention strategies should be universal rather than targeted to those with mental health issues, and should emphasize well-being and “flourishing” rather than abstinence strategies.  This is likely to become more of an issue, so school psychologists need to be informed so they can be of help in their schools.

Canadian Crisis Text Line now available for kids with MH issues

A program that was piloted in Manitoba in the spring has now been rolled out nationally, allowing Canadian teens to access a text line for help with mental health issues.  Sponsored by the Kids Help Phone line, this program is different in that it allows kids to text their concerns.  Given the wide use of texting, it is likely to reach more kids in need than a telephone line.  If students in your schools aren’t aware of it, please share the news with them.  The announcement was made in the Globe and Mail. 

Music therapy improves autistic children’s social communication skills

New research from McGill University and U. de Montreal, cited in EurekAlert, established a positive effect of short term music therapy on children’s social communication skills and on family interactions.  Interestingly, no changes in their autistic symptoms were noted.

New intelligence test developed – and it’s free!

Researchers from the University of California Riverside and University of California  Irvine have developed a new version of a test of non-verbal reasoning, similar to Raven’s Progressive Matrices.  Their research, cited in EurekAlert, indicates that the measure is reliable, can be used across the age-span, and best yet, it is available free!

What do you think about this?




Relationships the key to school improvement – not money!

New research from Ohio State University, cited in EurekAlert, suggests that “social capital” in a school (ie, relationships) is a more important predictor of improved math and reading scores in tests than financial capital invested in the school.  How much “social capital” is there in your school?

Concussion guidelines from CDC

It’s football and soccer season again, and concerns about concussions are important for school psychologists to be able to address. Fortunately, CDC has developed specific information sheets for these groups.  Hopefully they’ll be helpful, should you need them.

Study links cannabis use in teens with cognitive declines

New research from l’Universite de Montreal, cited in EurekAlert, followed a large group of Canadian teens for 4 years, looking at expected cognitive development and cannabis and alcohol usage. Results indicated a worrisome relationship between cognitive functioning and inhibitory control with cannabis use. The authors advise sharing this information with groups in this age group and greater investment in drug-prevention programs .

Physical literacy matters too!

Canada’s first “state of the nation” report on children’s physical literacy has been released by the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario’s Research Institute.  Reported in EurekAlert, the large scale study’s findings are disappointing.  Our children are not doing well physically, and we know that physical and mental health are integrally related.  How can we, as school psychologists, help schools and parents put the needed emphasis on physical wellness?

Witnessing bullying is harmful too!

New research from l’Universite de Montreal, cited in EurekAlert, looked at the long term impact of having witnessed bullying in comparison with having experienced bullying in high school.  Results indicate that witnessing bullying has its own downsides over time.  The authors suggest that empowering students to be proactive rather than simply walking way is a much better strategy in terms of personal growth, and after-bullying sessions could be more helpful than bully prevention programs.

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